Japan Solo Travel Itinerary

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Japan is a fascinating country with a rich culture and history.

If you’re thinking of traveling there solo, here is an itinerary that will help you make the most of your trip.

Japan solo travel itinerary guide
Japan solo travel itinerary

This itinerary includes some highlights in each region of Japan, travel tips, and safety tips so that you can experience as much as possible during your stay.

From vibrant cities to stunning countryside, Japan has something for everyone.

So get ready to explore one of the most amazing countries in the world.

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Important Information You Should Know

Solo travel Japan visiting guide
Solo travel Japan useful tips
  • Currency: The currency in Japan is the yen (JPY). 1 USD is approximately 127 JPY.
  • Language: Japanese is the main language spoken in Japan. However, English is also widely spoken, so you should have no problem communicating with locals.
  • Weather: The weather in Japan varies depending on the season. summers are hot and humid, while winters are cold and snowy. The best time to visit Japan is in the spring (from March to May) or autumn (from September to November) when the weather is mild and comfortable.

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  • Public transportation: Japan has an extensive and reliable public transportation system. trains and buses are the main modes of transport, but there are also taxis and ride-sharing services available.
  • Accommodation: There are many accommodation options in Japan, from hostels and guesthouses to traditional Japanese ryokans (inns). You can also find apartments and vacation rentals if you’re looking for something more long-term.

Phrases/Words to Know When Traveling Solo To Japan

Here are some key phrases and words to know that will help you get around and communicate with locals.

Traveling solo to Japan tips
Traveling solo to Japan

Japanese is a difficult language to learn, but with these basics under your belt, you’ll be able to manage:

  • Konnichiwa – Hello
  • Sayonara – Goodbye
  • Arigato – Thank you
  • Hai – Yes
  • Iie – No
  • Onegai shimasu – Please
  • Sumimassen – Excuse Me
  • Wakarimasen – I don’t understand
  • Ikura desu ka? – How much is it?
  • –wa doko desu ka? – Where is _ ?
  • Kouban – Police Station
  • Konbini – Convenience Store
  • Hoteru – Hotel
  • Toire – Bathroom / Toilet
  • Intānetto – Internet

Japan Solo Travel Itinerary

Solo travel in Japan can be a rewarding experience, but it’s important to plan your trip carefully.

This article provides an overview of the best places to visit in Japan and offers some tips for making the most of your time there.

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Day 1: Arrive in Tokyo

Arriving in Japan’s capital city, Tokyo, you’ll be greeted by a bustling metropolis with a unique blend of modern and traditional culture.

Living in Tokyo japan

After checking into your hotel, head out to explore some of the city’s highlights.

Start with a visit to the Meiji Shrine, then walk through the nearby gardens.

If You’re Feeling Adventurous – Take a ride on the Tokyo Skytree, one of the tallest towers in the world. In the evening, enjoy some delicious Japanese food and watch a traditional Kabuki performance.

Day 2: Tokyo

Today, explore more of what this incredible city has to offer.

Visit the Imperial Palace and the nearby East Gardens.

Then, take a stroll through the lovely Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden.

In the afternoon, head to Akihabara, known as Tokyo’s “Electric Town” for its many electronics stores.

Finally, finish your day with a walk around the historic Asakusa district.


Day 3: Tokyo to Hakone

After breakfast, take a bullet train to Hakone, a town in the mountains southwest of Tokyo.

Here, you can enjoy stunning views of Mt. Fuji and Lake Ashi.

Take a cruise on the lake, then head to the hot springs for a relaxing soak. You can also consider booking one of the best hotels in Hakone.

Day 4: Hakone to Kyoto

From Hakone, take a bullet train to Kyoto, Japan’s former capital.

Start your day with a visit to the Fushimi Inari Shrine, then explore the Philosopher’s Walk.

In the afternoon, stroll through the Gion district and admire the traditional architecture.

Finally, end your day with a relaxing soak in an outdoor hot spring.

Are you searching for a place to stay in Kyoto? Check out the best affordable places at booking.com

Day 5: Kyoto

Spend your day exploring some of Kyoto’s many temples and shrines, including the Kinkaku-ji Temple and the Golden Pavilion.

Enjoy Free things Kyoto Japan

Then, stroll through the peaceful bamboo forest at Arashiyama.

In the evening, enjoy a traditional Japanese tea ceremony.

Are you seeking a place to stay? Take a look at the best hotels in Hiroshima at booking.com

Day 6: Kyoto to Hiroshima

Take a bullet train to Hiroshima, a city on the western coast of Japan.

Start your day with a visit to the Peace Memorial Park and Museum, then explore the nearby Hiroshima Castle.

In the Afternoon – Take a ferry to Miyajima Island to see the Itsukushima Shrine and walk through the deer-filled forest.

Day 7: Hiroshima to Osaka

From Hiroshima, take a bullet train to Osaka, Japan’s third-largest city.

Start your day by exploring the Dotonbori district, known for its lively nightlife and delicious food.

Then, walk through the peaceful grounds of the Osaka Castle.

In the afternoon, visit the Umeda Sky Building for stunning views of the city.

Finally, end your day with some shopping in the Shinsaibashi district.

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Day 8: Osaka

Today is your last day in Japan, so make the most of it!

First, visit the lively Tennoji Zoo, then walk through the beautiful gardens at the Osaka Mint Bureau.

Visiting Osaka free things to do
Visiting Osaka

In the afternoon, explore the city’s many museums, including the Osaka Museum of History and the Osaka Science Museum.

Finally, finish your trip with a walk through the peaceful grounds of the Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine.

Travel Tips For Solo Travel To Japan

1. Get a JR Pass

If you’re planning on doing a lot of travel within Japan, then it’s worth getting a Japan Rail (JR) pass.

This pass gives you unlimited access to the JR train network, which includes the Shinkansen (bullet train).

You can purchase a JR pass online or at a major JR train station.

2. Download a translation app

Having a translation app on your phone can be extremely helpful when traveling in Japan.

Google Translate and Microsoft Translator are both good options.

These apps can translate Japanese text and speech, so you can communicate with locals more easily.

3. Learn some basic Japanese

Learning Japanese tips
Learning Japanese

Learning even just a few basic phrases in Japanese will go a long way.

Locals will appreciate your efforts, and it can make your travels much easier.

4. Stay connected

Japan has excellent WiFi coverage, so you should have no problem staying connected during your trip.

Many accommodation options offer free WiFi, and there are also plenty of public WiFi hotspots available.

5. Use cash

Although credit and debit cards are accepted in Japan, cash is still the most widely used form of payment.

It’s a good idea to have some cash on hand for incidentals such as taxi fares or small purchases.

You can withdraw money from ATMs, which are widely available throughout the country.

6. Pack light

Japan is a very convenient place to travel, so you won’t need to pack too much.

Most popular hobby in Japan list

A small backpack or suitcase should be sufficient for most trips.

Be sure to pack comfortable shoes, as you’ll be doing a lot of walking.

7. Get travel insurance

Travel insurance is always a good idea, especially when traveling solo.

If you get sick or injured while in Japan, travel insurance will cover your medical expenses.

It can also provide peace of mind in case of lost baggage or other unexpected problems.

Safety Tips For Solo Travel To Japan

1. Avoid crime

Japan is generally a safe place to travel, but there are still some things you should be aware of.

Avoid walking alone at night, and don’t leave your belongings unguarded in public places.

Be cautious of scams, especially involving ATMs or taxis.

2. Stay alert on public transportation

Japan’s public transportation is very safe, but it’s still important to be aware of your surroundings.

Safety tips for solo travel to Japan transport
Safety tips for solo travel to Japan transport

If you’re using the subway, make sure to keep an eye on your belongings and stay alert when exiting the station.

3. Know the emergency number

The emergency number in Japan is 110 for police and 119 for fire and ambulance.

If you find yourself in an emergency situation, don’t hesitate to call for help.

What Is the Best Month to Visit Japan?

The best time to visit Japan is during spring (March to May) and fall (September to November). 

These seasons offer mild temperatures and beautiful scenery.

The weather is especially pleasant in April and May when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

Best time cherry blossoms in Japan
Best time to see cherry blossoms

If you’re interested in seeing the autumn leaves, the best time to travel is from mid-September to early November.

Keep in mind that Japan is a large country, so the weather can vary depending on the region.

When Should You Avoid Japan?

Since weather significantly depends on which region you visit, bad weather in one area could mean clear skies in another.

You can expect the rainy season from early June to mid-July. That is the case in most of the country except in Okinawa where the rainy season begins in early May.

The key is to stay updated on the weather forecast and adjust your travel plans accordingly.

Odori park sapporo
Odori park

For example, if you’re planning to visit Tokyo during the rainy season, consider doing so at the beginning or end of the season when rainfall is typically lighter.

Or, better yet, plan your trip for another time of year. Keep in mind that rates for hotels and airfare are typically cheaper during this time as well.

Another thing to note is that typhoon season runs from August to October.

While typhoons don’t hit Japan every year, when they do, they can cause widespread damage and disruptions, including public transportation shutdowns and flight cancellations.


FAQ About Solo Travel To Japan

Is solo travel to Japan right for you?

This FAQ will help you decide if traveling to Japan on your own is the right choice for your next vacation.

Is Japan Good for Solo Travel?

Japan is a great destination for solo travelers.

The country is safe, efficient, and full of interesting things to see and do.

While Japanese culture may be unfamiliar at first, it’s easy to get used to with a little help from locals and other travelers.

And, with its large cities and many rural areas, Japan has something to offer everyone.

Whether you’re interested in exploring ancient temples, hiking in the mountains, or simply enjoying the modern conveniences of a major city, Japan is an excellent choice for a solo trip.

Japanese Symbolism in Art
Sakura in Japanese art meaning

There are many travel options available to accommodate different budgets and interests, so it’s easy to customize your trip to suit your needs.

Plus, with its convenient transportation and English-language signage, Japan is one of the easiest countries in Asia to travel around.


How Much Does It Cost for A Solo Trip to Japan?

The average price of a 7-day trip to Japan is $1,659 for a solo traveler, $2,690 for a couple, and $1,913 for a family of 4.

These prices include airfare, lodging, transportation, and meals.

Prices will vary depending on your specific itinerary and travel style.

A solo trip to Japan can be a great way to explore the country at your own pace.

You’ll have the flexibility to do what you want when you want, and you won’t have to compromise on your travel plans.

However, a solo trip to Japan can also be more expensive than traveling with others.

To get the most out of your trip, it’s important to carefully consider your budget and what you’re willing to spend.

Is It Easy to Travel to Japan Alone?

Yes, it is easy to travel to Japan alone.

There are many things to see and do in Japan, and it is a very safe country to travel in.

Tokyo Tower night lights
Tokyo Tower at night

The people are friendly and helpful, and there is plenty of English signage and information available.

You can easily get around using public transportation, and there are plenty of accommodation options to choose from.

Read NextIs Japan Safe for Solo Female Travelers?

Solo travelers will find that Japan is a great place to visit.


How Many Days Is Sufficient in Japan?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the amount of time needed to explore Japan depends on your individual interests and travel style.

However, we generally recommend spending at least a week in Japan if you want to experience the country’s highlights.

If you’re interested in exploring Japan’s major cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto, then you’ll need at least a week.

This will give you enough time to visit the main attractions in each city and get a feel for the different regions of Japan.

Shinsekai part of Osaka
Shinsekai Osaka

If you want to venture off the beaten path and explore some of Japan’s less-visited areas, then you’ll need more time.

Two weeks or more will give you the flexibility to slow down your pace, travel by public transportation, and really get to know the local culture.

Ultimately, how much time you spend in Japan is up to you. If you’re short on time, you can still see a lot of the country in a week.

But if you have the opportunity to stay longer, you’ll be rewarded with a richer and more authentic experience.



If you’re looking for an amazing solo travel destination, look no further than Japan.

This incredible country is filled with beautiful landscapes, interesting culture, and delicious food.

In this article, we’ve outlined a perfect 8-day itinerary to help make the most of your time in Japan.

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